Thursday, May 20, 2010


Jackson had to go to the doctor this week for his chronic snotty nose and cough, and he actually weighs 16lbs, 3oz! I think he had his foot hanging off the scale or something at his 4-month check-up. And let me tell you, I can tell when I’m carrying him in that car seat; Momma needs to lift weights a little more regularly! By the way, he’s fine, just a little cold, and it actually seems to be getting a little bit better finally.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Getting so big!

Well, Jackson Cole has been very busy over the last month or so. His latest tricks include: rolling over both ways, eating cereal, holding onto his toys really well, grabbing his feet, and pooping through his diaper on a regular basis! (That last one isn’t so much of a trick, as a real headache; any advice on how to keep the poo inside the diaper would really save me a lot of hassle having to scrub clothes every night.) At his last doctor’s appointment, he was given a clean bill of health. He is now 15lbs and 25 inches long, once again in the 90th percentile for his length. He is talking and laughing all the time and is so much fun to be around. He’s been going to the daycare just down the street from my office for a little over a month now, and that’s going really well, other than the fact that he doesn’t take very long naps there. Since he’s so close, I walk down to visit him at lunch almost every day, and I absolutely love getting to see him.

This week Jackson got to meet more family that he hasn't met before, and all concluded that he is very sweet and very cute! Grandpa Hunter came to have lunch with us last week, and we paid a visit to Uncle Mike and Aunt Cheryl Hunter on Saturday. It was so good to see everyone! We wish we could see our family all the time, but we recognize that we're just blessed to have such a wonderful family to begin with.

Last Sunday was my first Mother’s Day, and we had a wonderful weekend. We spent Saturday with my family in Edmond and got the first ever picture of Jackson with his cousin Addison, neither was very interested in sitting still or looking at the camera. Then Sunday, we went to church with Daddy’s parents and gave mommy her present, a video set to music with pictures of Jackson’s first few weeks with us. Jackson and Daddy, really just Daddy, worked very hard on it, and Mommy absolutely loved it!

All is well with us these days. I’m really enjoying my job, and Eric just finished up with finals. He’ll be doing an internship with the Department of Health this summer in addition to his job. Then he just has one more class to take in the fall, and he’ll be done with school – woo hoo! We need lots of prayers that he finds a really good job where he can put all his hard work to good use.