Monday, October 3, 2011


Jackson is such a hoot, and it has always been so easy to make him laugh. I mean laugh hard, big belly laughs! It's so fun. He likes it when you do funny voices so as the water drained out of the tub tonight and the only thing left was bubbles, I said, "Look at all your bubblesss!" You'll see in the video how I was saying it. He thought it was hysterical! He was laughing even harder when I first started saying it but still laughing pretty hard by the time we got the camera rolling.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer 2011

I'm sorry I'm a blogging dummy, but these two above pictures go below with the story about our new deck! Don't ask! :)

Well, Jackson Cole has been a busy little bear this summer! He is talking up a storm and will attempt to repeat pretty much any word you say. He’s also putting sentences together, his favorite being “shoe on” (the child loves his shoes). In May, we attended Daddy’s family reunion at Robber’s Cave. Jackson was recovering from croup and also teething so he was less than enthusiastic about being away from home but still managed to enjoy roaming around and investigating dirt and rocks, which are two of him most favorite things.

Just last weekend we went to Lake Murray and stayed in floating cabins with Mimi, Pap, Aunt LeAnn and Cousin Eli, and we had a blast! We were able to swim right off the dock that our cabins sat on, as well as feed the ducks and turtles that were daily visitors. Jackson and Eli had a wonderful time swimming, jumping on the bed, and playing with their trucks, not to mention the mass consumption of Cheetos. J

The big story for July, other than the unbearable heat, was the construction of a deck in our backyard. Jackson loved playing in “Daddy dirt,” and now he loves running around and eating dinner out there. It was also during that time that I bought him a little swimming pool to play in so that he had something to do other than “help” Daddy. We can’t keep the child indoors so the pool was a nice way to let him play outside but also make sure that he stays cool. He loves playing in the water!

We spent July 4th swimming at Mimi and Papa’s, although Mimi was not able to join us. Jackson had a really good time playing and eating with Cousin Eli. Since the fireworks were cancelled due to the lack of moisture in our area, Jackson did not get to witness his first fireworks, and Mommy and Daddy watched them on TV in other parts of the country, which was actually pretty cool.

In June we attended a wedding at the Tres Suenos winery, northeast of Edmond, where Jackson had a great time dancing and again playing in the dirt with his cousin Eli.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter 2011

Jackson had a really good Easter! He got to see lots of mommy's family in Enid and hunted Easter eggs with cousin Addison. He even made his first trip to Grandpa Bob's farm but didn't get to see the moo cows this time. On Sunday he was a super good boy at church with daddy's family and hunted Easter eggs with cousins Eli and Sara and friends Chloe and Kenzie. Ever since he got his tubes put in and adenoids removed, he's been feeling so good and is usually in a really good mood. He still has a temper and let's us know when things aren't quite right, but most importantly he is well! No more ear infections! We could not be more thankful for that.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Adventures of the Bumblebee Room

So Jackson has a fan in his daycare class. I’m not going to call her his girlfriend because it’s still unclear whether the feelings are mutual, or if it’s just unrequited love. Every day this little girl named Haley announces Jackson’s arrival to the classroom by saying (very sweetly I might add), “Jackson!” except that she pronounces it “Jackseen!” It’s adorable. So today his teacher tells me that she says Jackseen to every child that arrives. They will then tell her the correct name, but she still insists on saying Jackseen. Prepare yourself for this part because it’s unbelievably adorable: she also waits for him to wake up from his nap by sitting next to his cot (quietly). How cute is that?!?! And, according to the teacher, she also loves to walk up behind him and give him hugs. I just hope he’s nice to her since he’s sort of going through a hitting phase and is also currently very protective of any toy or other item that he’s holding. I had to share that story because it’s just the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Videos of Jackson

Jackson is constantly making us laugh and just generally being superbly cute so I thought I would post some videos of him. One is of him doing what we call "heel stomps," which is something he's been doing since he was able to sit up. He does them when he's excited, when he hears music, or sometimes even when he's mad. The other video is of him walking. He's really getting the hang of the walking thing, and has started walking to pick up toys, walking between furniture, or when we call him over to us.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Jackson's Second Christmas

No snow storms this year! Jackson had a wonderful second Christmas and was much more active and alert this year. I think he was pretty much blissfully (and sleepily) unaware of Christmas Day last year as Eric, Sherry, and I trudged home from the hospital through the record snowfall, dodging people trying to dig their cars out, and white-knuckle driving across the icy snowy roads! He just snoozed away in the car.

This year, Jackson was a trooper throughout all of the late night driving and missed bedtimes and unfamiliar sleeping arrangements during the holidays. He really seemed to enjoy opening presents, playing with new toys, and eat wrapping and tissue paper. Jackson was smothered with kisses and love from all of his wonderful family. He truly is a blessed little boy!

Jackson's First Birthday

We celebrated Jackson's first birthday on December 18, 2010. We had a wonderful day, and Jackson received many nice presents from his family. We had a gingerbread man theme, including a gingerbread house decorated by mommy & daddy the night before. I was surprised at how much fun Eric and I had doing that!
His older cousins were very good at helping him open his gifts, having done it many times before.

Jackson wore a gingerbread man shirt, custom-made just for him by my precious friend Robin. He very much enjoyed his cake and all the other treats he got to try that day. He was very serious about his cake-eating but knew exactly what to do with it. The boy is a good eater!