Sunday, August 22, 2010

August 2010 Update

Well since I missed Jackson's 6 month update, here goes. He is now 8 months old! I have no idea how much he weighs, but I'm sure he's closing in on 20lbs and is getting very long. He's just about to outgrown his infant car seat. We just can't believe how fast the time is flying by. We fall more in love with that kiddo every single day; we are truly truly blessed to have had him entrusted to us. Jackson has been a busy little boy the past few months. He has mastered sitting up; has pulled himself up a couple of times; says da-da-da, ba-ba-ba, and a host of other little noises all the time; he's clapping and starting to wave; and as of one week ago is an official crawler! He's also loving his solid food and is interested in anything that we're eating. He particularly loves his puffs and his cheerios. His favorite toys are anything that makes noise and the dogs' toys. Interestingly, the dogs seem to know that his toys are off limits, but Jackson finds their toys extremely intriguing. Jackson has really developed into an extremely happy little fellow. It's very easy to make him smile and laugh. He's so funny because sometimes he gets scared when Lexi barks or when one of us sneezes and it startles him, but I can growl really loud right in his face, and he just laughs his head off, thinks it's hilarious!

I posted the video of him crawling for one of the first times as well as a rare picture of him with his mommy (and Lexi) and a family picture taken the day before the 7-year anniversary of mommy and daddy. Eric and I were discussing the past seven years that we've been together and realized that we have really accomplished a lot. One or both of us has been in school almost the entire time (Eric will graduate with his master's in December), I've left two different jobs, we've bought a car and a house, and most recently became parents. There's been a lot of learning and growing, but most of all we both agree that we wouldn't trade each other for anything and fully intend to continue annoying each other for many years to come! :)

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